Our curriculum is designed to give a child a range of experiences and learning that is relevant to their locality, heritage and wider global identity. With this in mind we explored what we felt every child should experience. We want to develop the spiritual, cultural and moral development of pupils, to make the world a better place. The curriculum focus is based on developing a robust “body of knowledge” which children will gain during their time at school-sequencing and logic enabling progression and achievement and preventing gaps. In teaching the curriculum we will promote fundamental British Values and a greater understanding of the world in which they live and their role within this in securing a future for everyone.
We aim:
To provide a curriculum with a clear intent that is implemented effectively and has a positive impact on children’s learning
To provide a curriculum that promotes the mental, spiritual, cultural and intellectual health of every child, in a joined-up way. Young people should learn to question and be encouraged to make a meaningful contribution throughout their lives for the good of us all
To ensure the curriculum is appropriately engaging and demanding as a narrative that continuously pulls threads together and builds on them
To help children to make sense and order of the world in which their sense of self within this
To think critically about our environment and take ownership of our role within it
To address social disadvantage and address gaps in knowledge.