
Our curriculum is designed to give a child a range of experiences and learning that is relevant to their locality, heritage and wider global identity.  With this in mind we explored what we felt every child should experience.  We want to develop the spiritual, cultural and moral development of pupils, to make the world a better place.  The curriculum focus is based on developing a robust “body of knowledge” which children will gain during their time at school-sequencing and logic enabling progression and achievement and preventing gaps.  In teaching the curriculum we will promote fundamental British Values and a greater understanding of the world in which they live and their role within this in securing a future for everyone.   

We aim:

  • To provide a curriculum with a clear intent that is implemented effectively and has a positive impact on children’s learning 

  • To provide a curriculum that promotes the mental, spiritual, cultural and intellectual health of every child, in a joined-up way. Young people should learn to question and be encouraged to make a meaningful contribution throughout their lives for the good of us all

  • To ensure the curriculum is appropriately engaging and demanding as a narrative that continuously pulls threads together and builds on them 

  • To help children to make sense and order of the world in which their sense of self within this 

  • To think critically about our environment and take ownership of our role within it

  • To address social disadvantage and address gaps in knowledge. 

We start from the premise that children must experience the full range of disciplines throughout their schooling. Whether in primary school or the sixth form, breadth of experience ensures young people have a powerful engagement with some of the best expressions we have of human understanding. 

We are equipping pupils with the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life. Our understanding of ‘knowledge and cultural capital’ is derived from the following wording in the national curriculum:  ‘It is the essential knowledge that pupils need to be educated citizens, introducing them to the best that has been thought and said and helping to engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement.’ 

Intent: We aim to develop and support every child in achieving their best by building on their prior knowledge, inspiring their learning by linking this to the best things in their locality and world, to enable them to aspirational in wanting the best for the future - seeing themselves as part of shaping this. 

Implementation: We will ensure all staff understand the context for the learning and the disciplines within each subject so that learning takes place in a meaningful context and ensuring it is revisited frequently so all children, no matter their starting point or background, make consistently good progress. 

Impact:  We will regularly review and evaluate the learning that is taking place through a clear understanding of age-related expectations and what this looks like first hand, in books and through learning outcomes; we will seek to ensure there is rich knowledge that enables generalisations and makes connections.  Our vision is to enable children not to want more but to be more. 

Curriculum maps can be found on year group pages, this identifies the content being taught in each subject across each year group  Further information can be found in subject policies or contact Mr. Fowler, our curriculum lead. 

RRS Article 28 - You have the right to a good quality education. You should be encouraged to go to school to the highest level you can.