Religious Education enables us to explore and make sense of the diversity of the world in which we live.  By learning about and from Christianity and world religions we are able to show understanding, tolerance and compassion.  RE supports and extends learning about a variety of worldviews and helps to understand the role religion plays in how society forms and develops. 

We aim to: 

  •    Inspire children to learn about themselves and their place in the global community. 
  •    Aspire to be challenging, relevant and meaningful. 
  •    Achieve the best outcomes for every child. 

Intent: At Westbury Leigh we aim to support each child in developing holistically through building on their prior knowledge and experience with exciting and inspirational learning that links to their locality and world. Religious Education (RE) should inspire children to critically and responsibly ask questions of, and explore, their own and others’ religious, spiritual and philosophical convictions including exploration of belonging, culture and identity in a safe environment. It should enable them to be aspirational in developing their morality and spirituality as well as achieving a greater understanding of, and ability to fathom, life’s big questions.    

Implementation: At Westbury Leigh we view RE as a core subject and are committed to ensuring that a minimum of 5% of discrete curriculum time in KS1 and 2 is dedicated to it. During this time children will explore age appropriate theologically, philosophically and sociologically informed accounts of Christianity and other religious traditions in a British and global society. This learning follows our SOW (see appendix) which is based on the Wiltshire Agreed syllabus, supported by the Understanding Christianity and Discovery RE schemes of work, and is designed to meet the needs of our school. Children in KS1 and 2 each have individual RE exercise books which are used in conjunction with class floor books. Floor books are used throughout a unit as a means of; recording group ideas, discussions and debates, recording individual quotes, thoughts or prayers, examples of creative work, analysis, mind maps and photos of creative learning such as drama, performances and compositions.  

Impact: We will regularly review and evaluate the learning that is taking place in RE through monitoring outcomes and listening to our pupils. We will continually review subject progression, pedagogy and the SOW to ensure delivery of rich and sticky knowledge which also enables development of key life skills, such as communication, understanding, tolerance and critical analysis. We want our RE curriculum to inspire pupils not to want more but to be more. 


RRS Article 14:  the right to choose your own religion and beliefs 

View our RE Policy here.