
Westbury Leigh CE Primary school is supported and challenged by a board of governors.  The board is made up of willing volunteers who represent the community in which the school sits.  Individual governors have areas of responsibility and help to ensure the school is effective in undertaking its duties.  The governing body have no individual powers but work together to discharge effective governance in the following areas: 

  •    Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction; 
  •   Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff; and 
  •   Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent. 

As a governing board, governors meet each month as well undertaking individual responsibilities; there is a finance group who meet regularly and other committees are established as the need arises.  Governors attend school effectiveness reviews with school leaders and are linked to year groups, who they meet with regularly as part of monitoring and evaluating the work of the school. They ensure the successful implementation of the schools priorities and its improvement plan. Governors are committed to the schools vision of inspiring children to have high aspirations and achieve their best; they ensure children are at the heart of decision making. 

Minutes of governor meetings are available by request from the clerk to governors by contacting

Our Chair of Governors is Guy Davies.

Address - Sandalwood Road Westbury BA13 3UR

Tel: 01373822230

There are no associate governors at the school and the school does not operate with any committees. 

Roles and responsibilities 

If you are interested in joining the governing body then please contact the clerk in the first instance.  More information about becoming a governor can be found below: 

Instrument of Government